Thursday, October 16, 2008

Solar system rollouts pick up steam

Well - the march is on fellow pilgrims - the Queensland government (Australia) has an $8,000 rebate for new solar systems installed. I'm not sure if this is relevant for the rest of the country, but is certainly worth bragging about.....

Over the course of next week, I shall do some research to see which countries are already activating such programs, or are at least talking about it. Logic tells me, at least by talking about these issues, eventually enough people will listen to it, which in turn, pushes the process along a bit further.

Our reliance on fossil fuels, has now been proven economically, to be more costly in the future than that of solar energy. For corporations to continue to operate on short-term gain for shareholder satisfaction, means that their decision processes are based on market demand and nothing else. In a nutshell, the CEO's want to keep their jobs - they make decisions on what the consensus (or shareholders) are telling them to do - so to be honest, they are not the real culprits here driving the killing machine of the planet - it's all of us, on some level, influencing their actions.

One interesting expose on how the world moves, is well documented by an independent film-director (David Moore) in a short epic called History's Hidden Engine" (download it for free - amazingly it shows how the stock market usually preceeds with an indicator (Elliott Wave Theory) that essentially become historic predetermined events - most thought provoking :)

till next

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