Sunday, October 19, 2008

Solar subsidies

On the subject of subsidizing solar power roll-outs and which countries are endorsing the practice, I came across a webpage that spells out what the US is up to within this regard.

They are comparing Solar subsidies that with Petroleum subsidies, which was frightening to say the least. You can check out the website for yourself here

It seems more countries are being added to the mix of offering incentives to go down this path, as more and more people start to become more aware of the implications if we choose to do nothing about it. I do hope that we can see the sense in making some noise about this very important topic as the world is basically sitting on tender hooks, and nobody is 100% certain which way the winds of change will take us in the grand scheme of things. At the end of the day, we can only calculate high probability scenarios given the data that's been collected to date, coupled that with a little speculation, to bring us to what we now consider to be the truth.

The only thing to remind ourselves here regarding the truth - the truth is never absolute until it appears.

till next

ps - An easy method to solarize your house can be found here

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