Sunday, October 19, 2008

Another excellent resource....

click here to checkout another very good website on green energy initiatives.

It even says that we can save our economy now by investing more in this technology.....and that says a lot!


Solar subsidies

On the subject of subsidizing solar power roll-outs and which countries are endorsing the practice, I came across a webpage that spells out what the US is up to within this regard.

They are comparing Solar subsidies that with Petroleum subsidies, which was frightening to say the least. You can check out the website for yourself here

It seems more countries are being added to the mix of offering incentives to go down this path, as more and more people start to become more aware of the implications if we choose to do nothing about it. I do hope that we can see the sense in making some noise about this very important topic as the world is basically sitting on tender hooks, and nobody is 100% certain which way the winds of change will take us in the grand scheme of things. At the end of the day, we can only calculate high probability scenarios given the data that's been collected to date, coupled that with a little speculation, to bring us to what we now consider to be the truth.

The only thing to remind ourselves here regarding the truth - the truth is never absolute until it appears.

till next

ps - An easy method to solarize your house can be found here

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Play the game - to your right

yeah - have a play with it - it's cool :)

have fun....!

Solar system rollouts pick up steam

Well - the march is on fellow pilgrims - the Queensland government (Australia) has an $8,000 rebate for new solar systems installed. I'm not sure if this is relevant for the rest of the country, but is certainly worth bragging about.....

Over the course of next week, I shall do some research to see which countries are already activating such programs, or are at least talking about it. Logic tells me, at least by talking about these issues, eventually enough people will listen to it, which in turn, pushes the process along a bit further.

Our reliance on fossil fuels, has now been proven economically, to be more costly in the future than that of solar energy. For corporations to continue to operate on short-term gain for shareholder satisfaction, means that their decision processes are based on market demand and nothing else. In a nutshell, the CEO's want to keep their jobs - they make decisions on what the consensus (or shareholders) are telling them to do - so to be honest, they are not the real culprits here driving the killing machine of the planet - it's all of us, on some level, influencing their actions.

One interesting expose on how the world moves, is well documented by an independent film-director (David Moore) in a short epic called History's Hidden Engine" (download it for free - amazingly it shows how the stock market usually preceeds with an indicator (Elliott Wave Theory) that essentially become historic predetermined events - most thought provoking :)

till next

Monday, October 13, 2008

Solar systems

New technology in any field is usually expensive when first introduced - it only get's cheaper when more and more people start to embrace it. One thing that holds people back from using solar energy, for example, is the cost of deploying it - but over the course of time, the payoff and sustainability is much better than what the current mainstream energy methods are promoting.

Bio fuels is one energy source that seems to be getting a lot of attention these days - ethanol is produced using crops such as corn, sugarcane etc. The results so far have been impressive given the effect it has on the levels of smog reduced. In Brazil, they have been using these methods now for the past few years and have seen a significant reduction in green house gases to say the least. But it is also interesting to see what effect this has had on the amazon rain forests. Scientists have noticed a large number of acres vanishing due to the use of ethanol as fuel - land is cleared at a rate beyond the imagination (approx. 7 football fields per day) and a big contributor to this land clearing is due to ethanol production. So even though this technology looks promising on the surface, it is still costing us more in the overall sustainability of our eco-system. So I don't think this is the answer somehow.....

Solar energy, still to this day has the cleanest and most sustainable application. It's now a matter of finding cheap solutions to help bring this into the mainstream more quickly. Recently, I can across a DIY method for setting up your house. You can check it out here.

This I believe is a step in the right direction and well worth taking notice how things progress along this path. Let's hope that we can change the world around in time to be able to live a happy, sustainable life.

till next

Friday, October 10, 2008

Green energy

It's interesting that what is most relevant these days, as has been historically noticed - people, don't like change. But change is inevitable - everything changes eventually, so we had better get used to it as not being able to change, will essentially leave you on the sidewalk and others will just pass you by in order to keep surviving. Trying to maintain a world where so many dynamics show up unexpectedly, is a difficult challenge to say the least - so what is the solution you may wonder?

Well - for one, we could start by cleaning up the rubbish that's been scattered everywhere. hoping for someone else to come along to do the dirty work for us is i believe a little self-serving by nature.

We can't expect things to get better unless we all decide to put in some conscious effort to help it one logical step. Even though i can see that a lot is being done with a lot of people, but still we are needing much more effort in order to try steer the future to a better place.

Some things to consider - use green-friendly technologies as much as possible. One that has got me interested at the moment is the DIY hydrogen converters for cars. This looks very promising - the set up and construction of these watercell devices are cheap and easy to build. So much bad press about this is obvious big oil and car companies don't want you to investigate. They want to introduce this stuff themselves to make more fortunes for there fat coffers....

Solar energy - another promising technology, and thank God it's definately being deployed more often these days, and as the demand for this increases, makes it cheaper to produce into the future, so the more we become aware of how important this is for our better future, the better the future starts to look.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Save the world

hey doods - this is my first ever blog - cool bananas...:)

I just thought seeing that the whole world is kinda falling apart now, we gotta do something to try save it - every bit counts.

I lived in japan for a few years and i saw how a 1st world economy still lives in 2nd world living conditions - no wonder everyone's suiciding (about 50,000 per year) freaky shit....

A lot just go jump in front of the shinkanzen (bullet train) funny enough - but i always wondered why they would do it that way - i would have thought drowning or taking some drugs might be easier for them - but hey, their choice i guess - they always like to do things to the max !!! (if you ever been to tokyo, you'd know what i mean)

Another big thing there is the smog - its full on - even though most people travel by trains. But still by comparison, the average person there is only half the polluter than their western counterpart - they are seriously under a lot of stress to try reduce the carbon footprinting - they have zero population growth, plus the 50k that drop off each year, the economy being in deflation for the last 15 or so years - they're in some serious shit....

The rest of the world now is about to go through the same experience - and its gonna be heavy - at least japanese are very strong when it comes to heavy living conditions - hell, they've gone through
enough already - what they're going through now is mild compared to when the a-bomb pretty much flattened everything, and that was only about 50 years ago......and the sad thing was a good 80% of the population at the time, didn't even know what the war was all about, let alone knowing that there was one going on - so a lot suffered un-necessariliy ..... on the whole, they are really a great bunch of people - they rarely steal (if ever) from each other - they always take their shoes off at the door - they are really a very impressive bunch of people - thats for sure:)

till next