Wednesday, November 5, 2008

For those that struggle with BiPolar

Recently, i attended a seminar given by Dr John Demartini (from The Secret movie) - apart from what i experienced to be one of the best 2 hrs of motivational speaking i had ever seen, he also mentioned something that's worth noting regarding people that struggle with Bipolar disorder. He said that it was interesting to see data on this phenomena indicating Bipolar sufferers have usually come from situations where their thoughts and opinions have been suppressed in their early years - possibly an over dominating parent, carer or similar....
Maybe those that take too many drugs (especially cocaine, speed or any upper) are potentially bipolar sufferers as well??
The solution?

Forgiveness - face and make peace with the past issues - release the emotions through meditation, alpha brainwave stimuli, whatever it takes to let go of these life crippling conditions - just do it :)
Hmmm.....makes me think that if this is the case, just imagine how many chinese people must be suffering this condition - it would be well over half their population. And having travelled through china myself and looking into the local people's eyes, i can start to see his point. Perhaps this is not the only reason for the Bipolar disorder condition to emerge, but certainly worth taking notes about.... till next

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